Literally. I have always loved bananas, and even more banana flavored things. In DC, it mostly meant strawberry-banana yogurt or the Tropicana juice or my beloved Chunky Monkey Ben and Jerry's ice cream. This summer has brought me three new banana flavored items that have become regulars in my weekly shopping.
Notice the name in English, "Milkshake" |
Chocolate-Banana Milk? SIGN ME Up! This will be my breakfast staple for awhile. If there is one thing I love more than banana flavor, it is chocolate! Maybe I will add some peanut butter to it and make a REAL milkshake. Yum.
Too good to be true? Nope. 100% real |
I first noticed these pops at the typical ice-cream freezers all over town and then realized they sell it in "bulk" at the Maxi. It's basically a gummy banana flavored "peel" that you literally peel off and then you are left with a banana creamsicle.
Someone PLEASE start exporting these |
Pues tengo que volver para probarlos. El frozen pop me acordó al show en Amsterdam :)
Omg, Popsicle is so awesome!
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